pp108 : Design-time Library for Hyperlink Composite Control

Design-time Library for Hyperlink Composite Control

This topic provides the design-time library that is used to create the Hyperlink composite control.

You need to create the design-time library for the Hyperlink composite control to define its design-time behavior. Use the following code to create the design-time library for theHyperlinkcomposite control.

<html onapplicationready="">
        <script type="text/javascript">
setPublic(Hyperlink, "designtimeLibrary");

inherit(Hyperlink, XFormsGroupControl);
Hyperlink.icon = "/cordys/wcp/theme/default/icon/document/compositecontrol.png";

// This is the constructor of the composite control
// It calls the base class's constructor

function Hyperlink(designerView)
Hyperlink.prototype.onAfterCreate = function()

function createLinkElement(hyperlink)
	// hide the default icon
	// create the link element inside the groupbox
	var container = hyperlink.getChildContainer();
	linkElement = container.ownerDocument.createElement("a");
	// set the text to be displayed
	linkElement.innerText = "hyperlink";
	// set style
	linkElement.style.textDecoration = "underline";
	return linkElement;

//Update the hyperlink control according to the value specified for the text property
//the parameter hyperlink denotes the instance of the Hyperlink control
//sText is the value specified for the text property in the property sheet
Hyperlink.prototype.updateText = function(hyperlink, sText)
	var linkElement = hyperlink.control.getChildContainer().firstChild;
	linkElement.innerText = sText;


After defining a design-time library for the Hyperlink composite control, you will need to create a run-time library for it that defines its run-time behavior.

Related reference

Run-time Library for Hyperlink Composite Control